Townsville Mens Roller Derby League

if you enjoy turning up and watching the Towns Villain girls getting their derby on, it's your turn to get in on the action

the girls have been getting in on the derby action for a while now, time for the guys to get amongst it.

We will be training along side the TVRD girls at Willow on Wheels on Parkside drive Condon at the following times:
Sunday 5 to 7pm
Fresh Meat Training 6 to 7.30pm
League Training 7.30 to 9.30pm

For the moment until we get enough skaters who have the skate skills required to bout, we will be working on skate skills and everyone will need to start reading and learning the rules if they wish to bout.
However, as a general rule whilst we are organising the numbers, we will be Reffing the TVRD bouts, so you will need to learn and understand 2 sets of rules, but they are all but identical....

Sports league